Psychodynamic Therapy - My approach
Psychodynamic Therapy is a form of psychotherapy, derived from psychoanalysis and carefully calibrated to modern life to be more accessible to a wider reach of society. Psychodynamic therapy includes the theories of Freud, Melanie Klein, Bowlby, Jung, Bion, Winnicott and other founding and modern/contemporary psychoanalytic theorists and explores the unconscious processes which underlie human experiences, relationships and behaviour. Find out more about psychodynamic therapy sessions in Exeter and online by getting in touch today.
In Psychodynamic therapy, the therapeutic relationship is the key - serving as a bridge between the client's inner and outer worlds, past and present. It is a unique space which focuses on the dynamic relationship between your present and your past. Talking about formative experience and relationships will enable you to better understand how you view your sense of 'self' and others and the origins of patterns of behaving or relating.
In the therapeutic alliance work, we will pay attention to the ways the early defences continue to exist in a very powerful way, more often - in the unconscious.
Suffering presents itself in many known and unknown, ordinary and extraordinary forms and most people have very complex situations, experiences and ways of thinking. So, my approach is attuned to each individual's unique needs and personality. I use a process of deep enquiry and sensitive interplay, allowing movement and breakthrough to be fresh, genuine and unimpeded.
During psychotherapy sessions, I consider what might be significant for you in your past and beneath the surface, as well as what is currently happening in your life. Long-held patterns, conflicts and concerns, early relationships, intimacy, losses and experiences are all thought about in the context of how they may be influencing your present situation. Finding a way to move through your distress, confusion or stuckness then becomes a more tangible and realistic prospect. Working this way supports the client’s own unfolding towards an enduring sense of agency and autonomy.
In my psychodynamic therapy sessions, I maintain reliable and robust boundaries so that you can explore what you need to do safely. Together we will explore what it is you are struggling with and discover where there is need and possibility for repair, restoration, acceptance, and let it go.
In the therapy session, we will work together to create a thinking space where it is safe to express those feeling that you may have left feelings isolated or overwhelmed. Discover how psychodynamic talk therapy in Exeter can help you create, explore, discover, and let go.
What does Short-Term Therapy mean?
Sometimes people feel the need to address a particular problem they may be facing in their lives and prefer to do so within an agreed amount of sessions. The session for short-term is typically 8 sessions and - 20 sessions.
Experience shows that this can provide an effective outcome for some people and I am happy to discuss if this is the best approach for you on an individual basis.
What does Open-Ended Therapy mean?
There may be times in your life when you notice that you keep repeating pattern of behaviour, this could be in your relationships or in other aspects of your life which might leave you feel puzzled and and wondering why this is so. You may have some unresolved issues from your past which are impacting your daily life.
These could include losses your have experienced or a trauma childhood or otherwise.You may be stuck in a cycle of grief and finding it difficult to move forward with your life.You are experiencing long term depression and find it a struggle to cope.You are looking to undertake some personal development.
As the term suggests, this means we do not have a finishing date in mind as we start to work together. I often think of the process of therapy being rather like an archeological adventure, a process of discovery and the best environment for this is a safe space for exploration with the right therapist.
Whichever approach best suits your needs, you will have a regular session time each week. Both ways of working are always open for review.